
About Me

Takeshi Kameyama | 亀山 岳史

I'm a photographer based in Niigata, Japan. My motto is no genre, and I take photos with a free spirit. My photographs are characterized by a wide range of styles, from natural to artistic works using Lightroom and Photoshop.


国際フォトコンテスト 「International Photography Awards 2022 」風景部門において、日本人初となる「Nature Photographer of The Year 」を受賞。ニューヨークの表彰式に出席し、さらにカーネギーホールで開催されたルーシー賞(写真界のアカデミー賞)にもファイナリストとして招待され、受賞作品は世界各国で展示されている。

国際フォトコンテスト「Great Photography Awards」の審査員も務めるなど、海外からも高い評価を得ている。

国内では日本内閣府発行の海外向け情報誌「Highlighting Japan 2024年1月号」にインタビュー記事が掲載され、冬景色を撮影する写真家として紹介されている。



I have won many awards in national and international photo contests.

International Photography Awards 2022

International Photography Awards 2022

Nature Photographer of The Year

- Tadami line in Winter -

This photograph is a snowy landscape of the Tadami Line passing through Mishima, Fukushima Prefecture.

This photograph won the "Nature Photographer of the Year" award in the Non-Professional Nature category of IPA2022, one of the world's largest international photo contests. It was also selected as a finalist for the Lucy Awards (the photography world's Academy Awards) held at Carnegie Hall in New York.

This work has been exhibited in the United States, the Netherlands, Iran, Greece, Italy, France, and China, and has been highly acclaimed abroad.

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Bronze Winner

- Morning in Niigata -

Yahiko Otorii, a 30-meter-high gateway to the city. It has a strong presence as a symbol of the local community. The sight of it floating in the morning mist is mysterious

Non-Professional Nature, Seasons_Tadami_Line_before_dawn

Tokyo International Foto Awards 2022

Gold Winner

- Tadami Line Before Dawn -

The Tadami Line is one of the most unexplored routes in Japan. The first train running before dawn. Snow falling silently. The scenery is like something out of a fairy tale.


Tokyo Camera Club

The 10 Viral Photographer 2020

- Infinity Train -


Sony World Photography Awards 2022

National & Reasional Award - Japan

- The Postman -

Photographer "Harvey Yamaguchi" of Japan gave the following comments


The railroad tracks leading into the factory are impressive. This place is an actual landscape. The houses in the foreground show people's lives, and the large smokestacks and factories that loom in the background show socioeconomic activities. These two elements are what make up human life. It is a landscape that clearly expresses the social structure. Even the smallest details, such as a car approaching a railroad crossing or a bird in the sky, are taken care of.



Offical feature

- Color Palette -

Instagram Offical



Adobe Photo Contest "麗"

Grand Prix

- Summer Memories -

Adobe Lightroom retouch contest


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